Missing Cheer Items

29 Aug 2017 by Victoria C Butler


I believe someone accidentally grabbed two of the white criss cross uniform the first day of school when Varsity wore it over at Heritage. A 32 top and 5 or 6 skirt we don’t know the size exactly) is missing. I honestly think someone accident has two at their house. Please look and see if you have one clean and one dirty or not. It is crucial to find this school issued uniform. Varsity if this isn’t found we will wear the Ridge grey uniform on Friday night.

Also, a pair of size 7.5 vengeance infinities are missing. They were in the cheer room on Saturday morning but were not there on Monday for 5th. If you accidentally grabbed them PLEASE return to me :).

Thank you guys so much for looking to make sure you do not have these items.

Don’t forget about the team dinner and swim party tomorrow:)! If you do not remember what you signed up to bring ask me tomorrow.



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