Looking ahead at this week

1 Oct 2017 by Victoria C Butler

If you want the pink out shirt it is $12 and you must pay me by Tuesday morning. This is not mandatory.

Monday- learning Homecoming hip hop dance with choreographer :) you can wear tennis shoes for this practice. Doesn’t have to be cheer shoes.

**if you want to be in the Homecoming hip hop you will need to wear black high wasted leggings and you will need to order your top. (Forever 21 has them for $2.90) It is $13 for the blue sleeveless hooded top) You will wear your hair in two French braids and I will buy your red bandanas. You will wear vans or converse. We will decide black or white based on what everyone has. I don’t want anyone buying shoes. :)

Everyone tumbles from 4-5 Monday after school

Tuesday- during period work on hip hop
Nationals practice in gym and Jv game day in cheer room after school

Wednesday- hip hop dance during period with choreographer

4-6 pep rally practice for this Friday All cheerleaders will be in the routine this week. For the UCA time out dance from camp and we will learn a cheer.

Thursday- everyone paint after school until 5:00 for pep rally
Nationals Practice 5-7
Black and White squad – wear halter with pink bow

Friday – Pink out Pep Rally
To the pep rally wear any pink socks you want and the pink bow the coaches bought you at camp.
Wear new PANTHERS with no arms to the pep rally. Hair in two French braids with a high pony tail. You can change your cheer shoes laces to pink if you want for the month of October :)

Varsity – game wear panther head uniform with pink socks and pink bow and pink socks. Being white arms incase

Next week:
Monday night decorate homecoming float
And remember everyone cheers Varsity game for homecoming :).

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